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06 Apr 2023

10 tips to be rated ‘good’ under the ‘well-led’ KLOE

10 tips to be rated ‘good’ under the ‘well-led’ KLOE
The requirement for care providers to be ‘well-led’ is one of the CQC’s five key lines of enquiry (KLOEs). Find out our top 10 tips for making sure you get a good rating in this area, by reading on.
  1. Follow your policies in all you do!
  2. Survey more than the mandatory once a year – get ahead of feedback people may give to CQC;
  3. Be transparent and open;
  4. Have clear provider reporting and oversight systems in place, with evidence of follow-up processes;
  5. Make sure the people leading the shift are visibly leading the floor;
  6. Ensure you’re taking responsibility for things that go wrong – don’t fall into the trap of blaming the staff team;
  7. Have evidence of how you are using research, alert systems, and so on to inform the practice of the service;
  8. Have clear community links (including evidence that residents have the opportunity to access the community);
  9. Show how audits have led you to improve the care delivered or the safety of the service; and
  10. Be visible as a leader in your own service.



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